The Social Express teaches social skills using animated-interactive stories (webisodes) that look like a Disney or Pixar movie. Each webisode has a create your own adventure where users explore different ways to solve a social problem. Get started today and hop on The Social Express!

What Users Learn
- How to identify feelings in others
- Understanding the importance of “eye contact”
- Reading non-verbal social cues
- Identifying appropriate coping strategies
- How to start conversations and stay on topic
- How to be part of a group
- The hidden rules in social situations
- The right and wrong way to solve social problems
Hundreds of Social Skills Activities
- 81 Animated Interactive Webisodes
- 3 Skill Levels
- Worksheets
- eBooks
- Pre-Post Assessments
- Progress Monitoring
- Assignable Lesson Plans
- Grade Leveled Quizzes for Progress Monitoring
- Game Room with Extended Learning Activities
- Closed Captions
- Access using Firefox, Chrome or Edge
- iPad compatibility with Complimentary App
Lesson Plans, Quizzes and a Game Room!

Students have been extremely receptive to this 15-20 min lesson and have shown strong engagement, participation on all levels, high interest, and accurate recall in these lesson students are so excited about this application so much so that they ask to do multiple lessons during the class period!
This application is so effective in the classroom! Thank you for creating and sharing this relevant and essential social skills application and I look forward to continue our use in the classroom and share it with parents, students, professionals, and organizations in our community!
I just bought the app a few days ago and have had a chance to look at all of the level one lessons, I have used the first three so far with the students I work with. They love the program and so do I. It is paced so that they get a lot of information they need, but slowly enough that they have time to process. The skills you chose to target are perfect, and are exactly what they need to work on. The graphics are also beautiful and hold my students’ attention without being over stimulating. The printables are great for working on generalization. I look forward to any future apps you come out with or added content for this app, more scenes addressing the same skills would help with generalization.
I do the ordering for a home school program and place orders with close to a hundred vendors. The customer service at The Social Express goes above and beyond.T We had trouble with a few of our downloads; the problem was on our end. After speaking with customer service, the problem was solved instantly with absolutely no problems. I even had to call a second time and was greeted with as much patience and helpful advice as the first. Social Express and their customer service team is wonderful and is coming highly recommended!
Social Express is a program that every teacher should have in their classroom. It allows students to actively participate in interactive lessons that are meaningful. I use this application to explicitly teach replacement behaviors that are socially acceptable and gain reinforcement in the natural environment. Our team uses the program in a reversed mainstream setting allowing students with and without disabilities to learn, play, and interact with each other.
I have been using the Social Express during my speech and language sessions (elementary school). My students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (high functioning) and Aspergers syndrome are responding really well to the activities. They are beginning to show some generalization after a few weeks of working with this program.
I search the app store regularly for areas that I don’t feel I have good apps for and was thrilled to find your app for social skills. I downloaded your free app last Wednesday and was very impressed with the quality and so I decided today to download the full version. I can hardly wait to try it with my students next week. Thanks again for all your help and I wish you all the best in this new adventure!
I love using the Social Skills Express when working with students. The students really enjoy it. We use it to introduce and teach a skill before having the students role play.
First saw this at a conference and loved its engaging graphics. Bought for my elementary students on spectrum on Autism Awareness Day- thanks! Back to school and using it again. Often end many sessions with these vignettes- a real treat. Tough concepts for kids made meaningful and fun! Also would love expanded learning modules.
We very much enjoyed using the program and found it to be extremely beneficial to our virtual students.
My school purchased The Social Express last year and my students loved it and they had fewer behavioral problems because of it.
My middle school mod severe SDC class absolutely loved your program this year. Each Monday when I walked into their room they would say “It’s time for Social Express!” They related to the characters and were able to learn from the slow pace and pauses for discussion.
I have to congratulate you and your team on this wonderful creation. My students love it and have truly made great gains from using it. Thanks!!!
I think the program is AMAZING! They absolutely loved it and found it to be very useful. I, as a teacher, also found it to be very supportive in educating my students with positive reinforcement in the behavior area. I tried for over a while looking for a good health education program and I have found none to work or capture the attention of the students, until I came across this program.
I love this program and what it does for my students. I will be using some of my social skills budget to have this available to me/my students next year. Students love the program’s Webisodes, and they are so multi-faceted and useful–I can use them with various ages and in my cross-categorical resource room! The Social Express teaches students valuable behavioral skills, and it’s a program I can’t live without. It has made my job so much easier.
The Social Express Program has been part of social language development and intervention for students at my school. From a therapist perspective, the program tracks the student’s performance using quizzes that cover a wide variety of social language situations. This information is easily transferred into the progress notes on the student’s Individualized Education program (IEP). Additionally, social processing skills are explained to students. Finally, the program uses different levels that can be adjusted to the comprehension level of students and still cover many of the same social language concepts.
One of our 4th grade students started using the Social Express in a 1:1 setting, and then in a small group setting to enhance his social communication instruction. He showed us quickly that he was generalizing the skills. When he needed a pencil to use, we directed him to go into the room where 4 peers were working and ask if he could please borrow a pencil. He walked into the room and said, “Hey guys, I need a pencil please.” They handed him a pencil and said, “Sure, A. No problem!” he said, “Thanks, guys.” He walked out of the room with a huge smile on his face, and with one extended index finger toward the sky he said, “Thanks social express.”
Parents have commented on how they are carrying over some of the skills they learned in the Social Express and how they seem to be doing better at trying to consider others feelings and wishes.
It’s so comprehensive; not only does it systematically teach social skills, it contains “teaching tips” as well as printables which really help to carryover skills taught in the lessons and assist with generalization.
What a wonderful way to teach social skills to kids. You can let the characters make different choices and see how they play out, and you can help your students learn to read the facial expressions of the characters as the different scenarios play out. It’s really well put together, and the animation is just amazing. Kids really connect with this.
Thank you so much. I can tell you that my kids LOVE the program and are fully engaged when they view it. Next week we’ll start having them log in individually. I personally love that the characters are appropriate for middle school students while still being appealing for elementary. The content is amazing and reaches my lower cognitive students as well as my high flyers. I’ll definitely keep you informed as to how things are going. Also, if you don’t mind I’ll be sharing on social media how much this curriculum benefits students who need social skills instruction.
The Social Express is an exceptional product unlike anything there is on the market out there. I have used this tool for over 6 years as a means to target difficult social language targets with countless students in a way that is engaging to children, and makes sense in their learning. Having digital peer models has been extremely beneficial not only for my teaching, but helping my students gain buy in and advance their social communication with peers. The Social Express is a necessary tool that needs to be a part of all Speech Pathologists toolbox! You won’t be sorry you purchased it.
The Social Express has been an amazing, awesome, and an outstanding resource to use in the social skills setting for elementary school students! So amazing that the district I work for paid for all the counselors to have our own subscriptions.
After working with “Social Express” for the last two years and having been an elementary school counselor for the last 27, I find “Social Express” to be my favorite social skills program. It is a wonderful tool for early childhood levels. It can be adapted for both special and general education students in one on one settings, small groups, and whole classroom. Over the years I have used many programs, but this one really zeros in on students visually seeing how their brains are thinking as they choose their behaviors.
You guys definitely have the best customer service of all teaching programs! Thank you so much and I will continue to spread the word about you!
The Social Express is an engaging and effective program for working within the domain of social skill development. The interactive style of the webisodes piqued the interest of my elementary aged clients and served as a natural segue into role playing activities following discussion of the webisode content. I highly recommended the program to many of my colleagues and remained an active subscriber throughout my time as a school-based therapist.
I’m so thrilled to subscribe again. I’m always making a plan at the beginning of a student’s SLP session & they ALWAYS ask for Social Express to be included in the plan.
Much appreciation for your work in the world. I love the animation & the engagement that the students have – the choice making & opportunity for inquiry & discussion.
Keep up the excellent work!
I love how interactive and engaging the webisodes are along with the activities afterwards. The majority of my students would rather watch a webisode from Social Express than doing an activity I have pre-planned for them. I have seen a lot of progress since starting Social Express with my students. I highly recommend Social Express for other districts!
The Social Express application and website is user friendly and they have excellent and knowledgeable support staff. I utilize this program with almost all of my students which range from kindergarten to 5th grade. The Social Express has many topics and learning opportunities related to social emotional learning and social skills building using webisodes in order to keep students interested and engaged. Their curriculum is full of topics which include self management skills, attentive listening, conflict resolution, relationship management, critical thinking and verbal and non verbal communication. The webisodes are tiered for different learners and the curriculum allows you to collect data using pre-assessments, progress monitoring and post assessments. The program is interactive and can be used in different settings such as the general education classroom, small groups, 1 to 1 setting and independently. I have thoroughly enjoyed using this program with my students!
The Social Express is great for generalization and brings me joy when I see or hear about my students using the terminology with their family or friends at home. I would recommend the Social Express to professionals as it has been an instrumental addition to my therapy toolkit.
We are grateful to have access to such a quality program that is really making a difference for many of our kiddos that need this! Teachers, parents and students alike have loved getting to know the program and seeing the results. I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for your important work!
Our students continue to love the program and it’s one of my favorite tools!
The success this program has with children with Autism is remarkable!
The Social Express program is working great with my students. We’ve used it for a few years now and plan on continuing to use it in the years to come.
I use it every day! I use it with k-5. The kids love it and it’s so interactive!
Thank you. I am really enjoying the updates and my students love it!
Our district loves the program and continues to grow in need and desire to use 🙂
***** Five stars in a High School distance learning social skills class! *****
I have used the Social Express in a middle school setting in the past. This is the most interactive program I have found and it always kept my students engaged. However, I have moved into a high school setting and I wasn’t sure if the students would relate to it. They do! It was amazing to see them light up on the screens and unmute their microphones to participate in the class! We have a wide range of skill levels in the social skills classroom and I had 18 students on screen at one time – all participating! For students in our transition program, we are excited to introduce the Teen Career Path this year.
Thanks for making a program that engages students at all levels in learning the hidden keys to social interaction.
The Social Express is a great program in many respects. Often programs have so much going on visually that it is too distracting from the actual lesson – but not Social Express.
AWESOME! This is a great app for not only my son who has Asperger’s Syndrome but for any child with delays in social skills! I love this app and so does my son. He really gets into it and “acts” as part of the characters as if he is right there with them! =)
The Social Express is one of the few social skills apps that my son enjoys using – so much so that he actually asks to use it. This app is a bit pricey but for good reason as there is no other social skills app like it. And a child being able to exhibit proper social skills and create meaningful relationships is priceless.
The Social Express is more like watching a show on Disney than working on social skills on the iPad. I am so impressed with the work that went into making this app. Here’s what Holly and I love:
- Awesome graphics that keep students engaged
- Fully animated
- Lessons that are real life scenarios
- Customizable to your each of your students
- Printable lessons
- Research based
I’m so excited about your wonderful software!! I have 2 children on the autism spectrum ages 12 and 15 and they love the characters because they look like kids at school. Real people in the same situations they find challenging is allowing some great modelling and generalizing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Visionary.
We have recently started using The Social Express as a family, and we love it. Our child has Asperger’s and is a gifted learner. We all enjoy learning the skills that the program covers and we all benefit from the lessons. The way the program raises awareness is a huge benefit for us. The quizzes, when asking if the child has been in that situation before, are great prompts for ongoing conversations.
My son Luke loves this program. He is motivated to do chores and had a great social club day yesterday because of what he’s learning. Thanks so much!!
Thank you, this has made a world of improvement in my autistic son’s social skills…he loves the program. We love your program. I’d recommend it to anyone with special-needs and typical kids as well.
He loves it! He asks to play often. It’s pretty cool to watch the wheels turning in his head to think through the scenarios. I can’t wait to talk to his teacher later this month to see if it’s been helping in the class. No behavior notes sent home yet so here is hoping! We do this in the morning before school so he has some clues to help remind him during sticky situations.
We really are enjoying the Social Express as my son gets so much out of it. Thank you so much developing something like this. It has been like a gift to our son. Also, I really like how you keep us parents updated with any new ideas that you are implementing.
My son loves language, reading, logic, problem solving, but he really struggles with social cues and social perception. He’s been struggling socially with maintaining friendships and understanding and using appropriate social cues. I’ve been seeing a pattern of exclusion at school. I know there are many perspectives involved where social dynamics among 2nd graders are concerned, but I felt desperate to give my son something concrete and tangible that he could use as a toolkit, and Social Express has been such an incredible gift to us in such a short time. He’s been using strategies at home and verbalizing how much better he feels about understanding the logic of social interactions and situations. Thank you for bringing your expertise and passion to this product and for helping so many children and families through your work!