Teen Career Path is a unique program which aligns with Individual Transition Plans. The program features a video game experience where users create their own avatar and experienc a “day-in-the-life” exploring 23 different careers AND a life skills program covering all skills and knowledge to live an independent life.
Program Benefits and Features
- Targets users interests and strengths
- Provides repeated practice to learn job-specific concepts
- Teaches users to react appropriately in uncomfortable situations
- Workplace Soft Skills
- Prepares students for independent living
- Instant Corrective Feedback
- Closed Captions
- Text to Speech
Watch a Snippet

Our Comprehensive Life and Career Readiness Program Includes Over 170 Leveled Lessons
Video Game Playable On
- Chromebooks
- iPads, iPhones
- PC and MAC computers
- Web Using Firefox (faster download times require a fast internet connection)