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SLP Shares How Calming Strategies App Helped Student with Autism

We are always thrilled to hear about how The Social Express has made a difference for children who need help with social skills! Libby Pittman, a speech-language pathologist (SLP) shared this story of one of her sixth graders. He was able to go on a class trip without his mom–for the first time–because he of our app, The Digital Problem Solver. It seems he’s able to use the DPS app whenever he needed calming strategies.

The Social Express, Fearless Fire Drills, by Libby PittmanAlso, Libby Pittman in her SLP work, identified the need for helping children with autism to better cope with school fire drills. She created this wonderful Facebook page with her approach. Click here to visit: Fearless Fire Drills

Here is Libby’s letter to us:

Brilliant! Just brilliant is all I can say about the Social Express App.  This program teaches the hidden curriculum that so many of our social delayed and children on the spectrum.  All the students who have used this program have shown significant improvement in being aware of others and what others may think when we say and do things.  I highly recommend this program for any SLP or resource teacher.

Last month, one of my 6th grade students was able to go out of the State on his confirmation trip without his mother due to the digital problem solver, that is part of this social program.  He had never traveled without his mother before this trip.  Through the use of the strategies that are presented in the DPS and some sensory strategies he was able to calm himself when he began to get anxious.

This is the best money I have spent on a therapy program in years.  The characters in the scenes are realistic and lovable.  The language is direct and appropriate for a wide range of receptive skills.  There is a teacher tip mode, which can be turned on or off.  The lessons are intentional and scaffold on each other beautifully.

Thank you for all that you are doing to develop this program.  I am certain you all are changing lives.

Most Sincerely,

Libby Pittman, MS CCC-SLP

Thank you so much, Libby, for sharing your experiences with your students using The Social Express! We are so glad it’s helping.

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