Animation is engaging for all ages—that’s why Brighten Learning programs use animated interactive lessons targeting core deficit areas that stand in the way of school, social, and life success for children and young adults. Our programs allow everyone to improve their social intelligence and become more socially aware and competent individuals.

Why Video Animation?
Video modeling is a form of observational and visual learning in which a targeted behavior or skill is exhibited through a video demonstration in the hopes that the behavior or skill will then be imitated and implemented in a person’s “real” life (National Professional Development Center).
Animations help students simulate and visualize concepts that are too intricate and nuanced to be described in a more traditional teaching approach.
A series of studies have shown that students who are taught in a “mixed system” of traditional teaching methods in cooperation with video modeling “perceive themselves as playing a more central role in classroom interactions and felt a greater interest in learning” (Rosen).
A 2011 study by Durlak et al found that teachers who employed video modeling in a supplementary way in their classrooms improved student achievement by an average of 11 percentage points and influenced their students to engage in more prosocial behaviors – such as kindness, sharing, and empathy.
Students, through video modeling, are thus more likely to be engaged in school and exhibit proactive, positive behaviors. Both of these outcomes improve the social climate of schools, making students more likely to feel welcome and safe at school, thus leading to decreased levels of absent and chronically truant students.