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Interview: Autism Software Recommended by Social Skills Director (Part-2)

Recently, we sat down with Elif Cagin an educator who uses our autism software learning program with her students. Elif highly recommends The Social Express to other educators.

This is the second half of our interview with Elif Cagin.

Click here to read the first part of the interview.

TSE. Would you recommend this autism software program to other educators? What would you say to them about the program?

Elif: I would recommend The Social Express program to other educators and encourage them to use the concepts in the program to help guide their lesson planning.

It is a very useful tool and students highly prefer this mode of instruction to others- aside from research and evidence based social skills and behavioral concepts that should be the foundation of a social skills program, appealing animation, interactive components of a program and clear socially valid dialogue is very important when considering a program for social skills instruction.

TSE. What are the benefits of The Social Express for you and for your students?

Elif: Using Technology is a very important part of our program. Research supports its use in social skills instruction and practice for those with ASDs (Autism Spectrum Disorders). The Social Express supports, consistency in the classroom for the students, language used school-wide, classroom pacing and lesson planning.

TSE. Tell us more about your school and the students you serve.

Elif: New Vista School located in Laguna Hills, California, is a grade 6-12+ progressive educational center that provides a safe, structured educational environment serving the needs of students with Asperger Syndrome, high-functioning Autism, and language learning disabilities who may benefit from social and transitional skills development. We maximize personal achievement and foster independence through academics, social skills, self-advocacy, and community involvement.

Designed for students in grades six through 12-plus, our school promotes academic achievement and fosters independence through academics, social skills, self-advocacy, and community involvement. Our two academic programs flow from middle through high school and while integrating the social skills so necessary for effective living.

Our transition program provides guidance for high school students and above, assisting with career searches, job training, college exploration, and work experience under the guidance of a transition specialist.

Students are shown new avenues to challenge their minds and prepare them for their adult lives while being supported and guided by professionals, parents, and educators who seek only the best for each student.   Website:

TSE: Thanks so much, Elif for sharing your experiences with our autism software learning program.

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