Can I cancel my membership?
Yes! You can cancel your membership at any time. Please send us an email with your full name at and request to cancel your subscription. An email confirming cancellation will be sent to you.
Can I pay over the phone?
Yes! We will be happy to take a credit card over the phone. Give us a call at 877-360-0155 and select the extension for Customer Service to speak to a representative
Do you share my information with 3rd parties?
Please see our Privacy Policy.
Why does my credit card bill say ‘The Language Express, Inc.’?
‘The Language Express, Inc.’ is our parent company.
When is my credit billed?
If you paid monthly, your payment will be processed on the on the same date each month that you started. If you paid yearly, your payment will be processed immediately.
How do I renew my subscription?
Your subscription is ongoing unless you cancel.
If I cancel, what happens to my student/child(s) information?
Once your account is disabled, your information will be deleted from our database within 10 business days.
What do I do if I cannot remember my username or password?
Please keep your username in a safe place, as only you can only reset your password. To reset your password, please click the ‘Forgot Password’ link.
Why do I have to create a student login?
If you would like your child to have access to our private social network, ‘The Clubhouse’, or our grade leveled quizzes, they will have to login to the, using their own username and password. They will also be able to access all of the webisodes, our game room and e-books on their own as well.
How many users can I set up?
Your online account includes one teacher and one student license. You may add additional students at anytime. email for pricing, or, for multiple users, view our available plans.
I purchased the original Social Express and now got a new iPad. How do I download it again?
Using your iPad, go to the app store. On the bottom right there is a button that says Purchased, select this. The next screen there is a button that says Not on this iPad, select this. The next screen(s) will have all the apps that you have purchased. When you see The Social Express, download it. Make sure you reboot your iPad after you download.
I downloaded The Social Express II and I am an original owner, why doesn’t my Apple id work?
The Social Express II is not an update. This is our paid membership for all new content.
I have paid for an account but my username isn’t working.
Your account is in a pending status until you receive an email from containing an activation link. You will not have access until you activate your account.
Can multiple teachers access the program for a single student license?
No, the single student license is for a 1 teacher login.
Do you offer discounts?
Do you offer discounts?
YES! The more users the bigger the discount! Fill out a quote request.
I am purchasing an account for a teacher/therapist/, which name should I use when registering?
The teacher/therapist is the user of the account.
I signed up a teacher/therapist and didn’t receive a receipt?
Send an email to to request your receipt.
Can the billing information be different then the user information?
Yes, however there is only one email address associated with the account.
I am purchasing an account for a teacher/therapist, should I use my email address or theirs?
You would use their email address. In this case, you will need to notify the user to forward the email which contains the receipt of purchase to you.
How do I cancel my subscription purchased through iTunes?
You will need to go into your iTunes account from your iPad and cancel your subscription there. Go to settings on your iPad. Click on iTunes & App Store. Click on your Apple ID. Click on View Apple ID. Go to subscriptions then select manage. Cancel.
Is there a curriculum outline to follow?
Yes there is! Our comprehensive yearly/weekly unit plans and offline activities can be found in your Central Station by going to the curriculum ticket. You may also print out the entire teaching guide by going to the resource ticket.
What is “video modeling”?
Video modeling is a method of teaching that uses videos to provide a visual model of targeted behaviors or skills. Evidence-based research suggests that video modeling can be effectively implemented with children from early childhood through middle school. This practice may prove useful with high school-aged learners as well, although no studies have been identified that support the use of video modeling at this age level.
Why does The Social Express model positive and negative social interactions?
Becoming socially competent requires individuals to know how to read a situation and figure out what to say or do. It is difficult in school or home settings to replicate the same situation with two different outcomes for the child to observe. However, ‘The Social Express’ provides the user with an opportunity to view both positive and negative outcomes and to learn how these outcomes impact others.
What kinds of skills are taught in The Social Express?
‘The Social Express’ presents key components that are needed in order to be successful in social situations. These components include how to be with a group, using your eyes to figure out what to say or do, identifying feelings and coping strategies to calm down and using figurative language in conversation.
What skills will the new webisodes address?
The add-ons will continue to focus upon the same skills, while introducing additional skills needed to improve social learning.
Do I really need to print out the printables?
Yes! We recommend that the printables be used before, during, and after ‘The Social Express’ is used. This will help to reinforce the content that is featured in the software.
Can I monitor my child’s activity in ‘The Clubhouse’?
Yes! Upon registration, a parent chooses a unique username and password, which they can use to log in and see all of the activity for their child’s account.
Why do I have to create a student login?
If you would like your child to have access to our private social network, ‘The Clubhouse’, or our grade leveled quizzes, they will have to login to the, using their own username and password. They will also be able to access all of the webisodes, our game room and e-books on their own as well.
Can multiple teachers access the program for a single student license?
No, the single student license is for a 1 teacher login.
Can a child work with the software alone?
Yes! Each student is given their own username and password. The student may work independently to play the webisodes and complete corresponding quizzes that a teacher has assigned to him/her.
Can the user complete the software more than once?
Yes! A unique benefit of ‘The Social Express’ is that the user can go through the software multiple times. The design of the software allows the user to select different responses each time, thus allowing them to view different outcomes.
Does The Social Express track progress?
Yes! In your Central Station Dashboard, you will see your reports tab with detailed descriptions of each report as well as a sample report.
Does it matter which internet browser I use?
Our current version works best with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
Can I use The Social Express on multiple computers?
Yes! As long as you know your username and password, you can access ‘The Social Express’ on any computer with an internet connection.
How long does it take to launch a webisode?
This will depend on the speed of your internet. The faster your internet connection, the faster you will have access to the plan. Once you have successfully launched the webisodes, they will be instantly available the next time you try to access them.
Why aren’t the videos playing?
This can be for a variety of reasons. 1st, make sure you are using Chrome or Firefox as your browser. 2nd, if you do not see a wheel spinning after you select play webisode, this is because you are zoomed in too much. To fix this, you can either go to your browser settings or use your keyboard and select the CTRL key and the + or – key to zoom in or out.
How can I help my child while we aren’t using ‘The Social Express’?
‘The Social Express’ provides a variety of printables for use before, during, and after the software is used.
Why do I need to use this software if my child receives social skills training at school?
Because we live in a social world, a child needs to be able to figure out what to say or do in a wide variety of environments and/or situations. The concepts featured in ‘The Social Express’ can help generalize and reinforce these critical abilities in the real world.
My child doesn’t have any label or diagnosis, can he or she benefit from using ‘The Social Express’?
Yes! The Social Express helps all children to improve their social and emotional intelligence.Specifically, it helps them improve social relationships, reading verbal and non-verbal social cues, makes having conversations easier and increased problem-solving in social situations. Your child can definitely benefit from using the software.
Who benefits from using ‘The Social Express’?
We believe that anyone who has difficulty understanding social cues, can not manage their emotions and needs help with emotional intelligence will benefit from using The Social Express program.
Can I use ‘The Social Express’ on my phone or tablet?
‘The Social Express’ app is available on the iTunes App Store and may only be used on your iPad.
Can I use ‘The Social Express’ with a group of children?
Yes! ‘The Social Express’ can be used with small groups of children. The program works fantastically on an interactive white board and children love role-playing after each lesson!
What approach is ‘The Social Express’ based upon?
The development of ‘The Social Express’ was influenced by the work of many amazing professionals in the field of social and emotional learning.
Can I use ‘The Social Express’ in conjunction with other social skills training materials?
Yes! ‘The Social Express’ is a tool designed to be used as a complement to other social learning materials.
Who benefits from social learning training?
Many children and adults who have difficulty with social interactions and developing and maintaining friendships can benefit from social learning training. Some of these individuals may have a diagnosis such as autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, non-verbal learning disorder, pragmatic language disorder, and/or ADHD, to name a few. There are other individuals with social-emotional challenges who do not have a “label” or diagnosis. These individuals can also benefit from social learning training.